Why you are looking for plethora of books. Are in search of any topic or any event you just need concentration in any thing which you would easily find it in yourself, now start insight learning and start to concentrate on your personality you will found yourself more secure than any where else. Insight learning helps you in decision making and self confidence. As it is the most important act of believing yourself, no one can blame you about any thing which you have not done. Contrary too this, you will find the blamer in losing his temper. Self can be made through self grooming which is a simple way to get control on others and can be taken with the qualities of leadership. To control others you must control yourself. The history exemplifies many legends like Quaid a Azam from India and has true power of controlling himself and always active in his own. On the other side the Adolf Hitler from west was not a PhD nor any higher qualified but a painter who is under metric the thing he only considers is self confidence which he learn by himself, which leads him as the controller of presidency of Germany. True learning is not to take a 700 gram book and start reading and doesn't understand, but true leaning is insight learning which makes you to correct you mistakes in every age and every step of mind. Made yourself enough strong which can nerve be underestimated by any one. Believe in yourself try to explore your self and find out the hidden artist which was lost in dismal ages due to love, hope, and fears of society. You are the original teacher and author of yourself so, daily find out faults in yourself and try to recover by learning methods. Now left observing others and observe yourself and learn from mistakes.
Posted by Usman Ahmad
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