How you can deny the statement “NORMAILITY IS THE ESSECE OF LIFE” as normal behavior takes credit. Especially girls are just shows as they are the coolest guy of town. Hey! I hate that negative behavior it is just sickness and you only need is the Psychiatrist to make your aware what actually you are doing.
As Mr. Usman says that “Most of the girls are showing attitude in routine life in front of their colleugeus but in their family life they are actually denied and under estimated by other so they want to control others”
But if you want to control others you have to control yourself first. Most of show of more than they are but society knows more.
I like that question “Why girls send request to boys if they don’t chat”
Its just fake attitude no doubt boys also show but girl got experience in this field. So please don’t make yourself victim of anxiety. I don’t know what the hell you are facing it is just mind frustration so try to remove and leave behaving abnormally only expose what actually you are. So please think for yourself and behave normally you will feel the difference.
Posted by Usman Ahmad
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