This article is taken from Salah ud din's own dairy. This article is present in the book of Sultan Altamish. Who was the personal historian of Sultan Salah ud din.In the early life of Sultan Salah ud din was the only best sword fighter and horse rider in the Egypt as no one was the competitor of Sultan. He was basically belonged to Qurd Kabila. In his early life he spent his most of time in the company of music and dancer, but when he was quite young and his age was about 17 his uncle came to Sultan and said " Young Muslim fighter you must now take a part in a battle with Qurk.

His uncle said "Son please! on my request you must take part in the battle in any case or in any situation. Next day Sultan prepared for battle, in the early morning the Sultan's says good bye to his land in the protocol of army. In the battle Sultan's army and his uncle’s army fought a great war at Qurk land, But the camp of Sultan was at the end of all the military camps, and Sultan never took his foot out of his camp even a single time in the whole battle. After the war his uncle came to him and said" Dear son, it’s my desire that the city first kiss your feet."
The Sultan Salah ud din left his camp with the army’s pride and gives a deep starring to the city. When the Sultan enters in the city he looks at poor Muslims who were tore in to pieces. He looks at the naked sister of little child who looks at Muslims with wept eyes. He looks at the aged Muslims who are helplessly thrown in the well. He looks at tore pieces of Muslims in front of dogs. He listen the horrible voices of poor Muslims who are thrown live in the fire for the sake of fake god. Sultan weeps at that time and asked his uncle “why they are treated with this behavior?"His uncle replied "Because they are Muslims. So that’s why they are treated as like that". Sultan said “but we are also Muslims, why this behavior is not taken with us?
His uncle said "Son when this sword will take from our hands or if our hand looses this sword, that day we will be in this situation."From that day the great Sultan throw every thing which distracts him from the battlefield. I think you will get lesson from that story and be inspired by Islamic history
Now we must take a look in our hands .what we have in our hands. Just money, money, money, money, question is where is that sword? Where is that spirit? Where those Muslims who conquer the sea, the desert, are sky and where is that? Inqlab Zindabad.
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