Friday, February 11, 2011

Women ( Part II )

As in the 1st part of this post, Adlib portrayed an image of women as an impractical being, and a person as giving tough time for eternity. As that is a true image of women, that is also a trait of women, but on the same time, women are the unsurpassed in some aspects.
Islam gave women a standing in the the social order, a prestige and a respectful personality. Islam gave women, her privileges. Women are enjoying all the best that she can acquire from the society in the perspective of Islam. Now it’s dependent upon women, they have to defend their respect, and they have to let others believe that we are not inferior and on the same time they have to let themselves feel that they are not superior as well, and are not as same as men in some aspects. Because ALLAH have made both of us differently and we both differ a lot, in our duties, in our responsibilities, in our status, in our roles ETC.

Women are the indication of respect, prestige. Women have to defend their tags, wearing shorts, Capri’s tight clothing is not right, yet if it is rite for the sake of instance then it must be under veil, it must not be seen. All the women are reading this, answer me one simple question, Do you think, two girls walking on the road, one is wearing shorts, second is in veil, on which the boy `ll let his eyes rest?
As the first thing in your mind `ll be the girl in shorts, as mine is the same, but some of you after thinking this, `ll say so, boys don’t even let the 2nd one go, they will take a look at her also? Am I right?
But yet women have to save her from the social evils, For the sake of example, if I won’t break a signal, how likely is that the warden will stop me? He won’t stop me, because I am violating naught. So in the same way, a women must not let a guy have the opportunity to throw a comment, and not let that guy have a gaze on herself, how is it possible, is by covering herself in an appropriate manner.
In the society as I think, in Pakistani society, women are enjoying the liberty of rights more than men, many of you will say no it’s not true, women are getting treated like inhuman, like worthless person, and so many thoughts, but at the same time, think of your position at this time, in universities check out the ratio of male and female students, check out the job ratio, check out the family status. If talking about the traditional aspects in the Pakistani society, I know there are some customs, that are not in the favor of women, but those `ll be like 3, 4, or 7 customs, that’s it. Not every woman is suffering all that, there will be just like 5-8% cases in Pakistan regarding these issues.

Speaking not in the favor of men or women, I will definitely say, women are admirable. Women are Mother, Women are Daughter, Women are sister, Women are attached with every aspect of our life in some way, or other. We cannot deny the importance of Women. We must respect her feelings, her emotions, her relations her rights as well.

Women are always beautiful and respectful. Adlib

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