Saturday, February 12, 2011

Worlds most expensive.....

It’s a craze for those why use perfumes on daily basis but no ne is quite enough rich to use it in a day. Have you any idea how much expensive a perfume can be. 1000 dollars? The world’s most precious gift which is hard to give or take as it can be stolen of theft. I don’t bother to give it any one if I ever got enough money to buy it. The worlds most expansive perfume is very high quality and in bottle in which diamond is used. 

It is most precious of the 21st century you can buy it for $215000 only Rs one corer eighty five lakes only. This unique perfume is called Clive Christian Perfume it is the emotional touching perfume which takes you in new thoughts. It provides a combined scent of jasmine, cardamom, carnation, lemon, bergamot and benzoin. 
It is hard to buy luxury perfume. You can buy this in the following countries UK, USA, Canada, France, Germany, Hongkong, Italy, Oman, Qatar, Poland, Romania, Russia, and other eurpean countries.

Posted by Usman Ahmad

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