Saturday, February 12, 2011

You Want Revolution.?

Adlib is going to let you all get acquainted with those possessions, which are having in yourself, all exist in YOU, but yet you are not conscious of those possessions, yet you guys don’t know, yet you guys don’t want to discover, don’t want to find out, don’t want to let them on the front page, don’t let them to be at the TOP.
Why is this all happening?
Why are you guys not letting your hidden talent, not an absent talent, but hidden talent, to be utilized? To be in work.

Why don’t we project our thoughts, why don’t we take our selves to the innovation?
Is it because we are the so called, Fundamentalists, extremists, terrorists?
No we are none of them, today in a TV show of DAWN NEWS (Report on Campus). I said “no we are not any of these, we don’t bear these tags, we are just so much insensitive, we have been made such insensitive, like if a boy is thrashing his sister, we won’t bother to take a step and say, stop this brutality, we will just pass on, by saying it’s their personal mater, who am I to say anything” , and “when for the first time ever we watched suicide bombing on TV live, we were so much worried, and emotionally disturbed by that, but now, what happen, we watched it and just say, it’s ok, it just a news, change the channel, that’s it.” So we need to innovate, we need to utilize our thoughts, your golden intelligence.

We have the aptitude to run things according to our desires, we can make our dreams come true, we have the talent, and we have the potential to get across the possible happenings.
But again we are, face to face with the FUNDAMENTALS of our country, like, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, awareness, education system, politics, corrupt social institutions, and so on.
We have to start on the grass root level, I am on earshot about revolution; we want revolution in Pakistan, so many pages on Face Book and much more at debates and TV shows.
To whom you guys want to get rid of? The people who were elected by yourself, who are on these seats by your full support? If you guys, still want them to be down, you want revolution, and do you guys have a trained parliament, to take over the government? I would give you a very good example of UK; they have a shadow cabinet, which monitors all the works and action by the ruling party, so that if the party have to quit, they can take the hold without wasting time, in understanding the system firstly.
Are you guys prepared for the revolution?
Posted By Qasim Sahi

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